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Welcome to Troop 100's official website.
     We are pleased to offer this resource to all members of the Troop 100 Family. If you are looking for information about Troop 100 we invite you to read about our troop in the About Us page and use the Contact Us page if you have more questions.
     Troop 100 has been guiding young men for 60 years and making an impact on their lives as they in turn make an impact on the community through their progress in the Scouting program. Today Troop 100 has had over 160 Eagle Scouts join the ranks of so many before them and we look forward to having you join them as you set your sights on your future growth.
 Yours in Scouting,
Troop 100

This Week at Troop 100

Posted on Jul 23 2024 - 9:35pm

Wednesday, July 24, 2024, Wesley Church

6:00 p.m. Quartermaster trailer/equipment for Camp Meriwether.

7:00 p.m. Troop Meeting. Bring Scout Handbooks so Camp Baker advancement can be reviewed and recorded. Complete planning merit badge programs for Camp Meriwether, so class spots can be computer reserved in advance of camp. (There are 43 merit badge offerings at Camp Meriwether, plus program offerings from which to select. Camp Meriwether and its programs/facilities can be reviewed at cpcbsa.org.)

  • Its a busy summer for our troop adult volunteers, so the Camp Meriwether Outbounds will be offered in place of a hike this weekend. Outbound choices to chose Meriwether: Cape Lookout day hike down the beach and through the old growth to the WWII plane crash, the Colter's Trek overnight by hike and paddle south to Whalen Island, or the half day Tidal River Kayaking Tour.
  • Parents of the Meriwether Camp Scouts are encouraged to attend or drop by the troop meeting as adult camp signups and attendance/transportation must be confirmed. Its a very full camp, so we will need to confirm a spot asap for anyone requesting to add late and will be submitting and paying for the adds on this Thursday after the Wednesday Troop Meeting. We must have any cancellations so they can be balanced against the adds, as the troop will not receive a refunds for late cancellations this close to camp.
  • Final Camp Meriwether document collection (submit to RN Suzanne Rodriguez) if not previously turned in: Scout and adult leader BSA Medical Form Parts A,B,C; attach copy of both sides of your insurance card, and the Special Diet Request Form, if applicable.

Friday - Sunday, July 26-28, 2024

Order of the Arrow Induction for eligible candidates, Camp Melakwa.

THE TRAIL AHEAD - A Selected Look

Wednesday, July 31, 2024, Wesley Church
Troop Meeting

Saturday-Saturday, August 4-10, 2024
Camp Meriwether Summer Camp, Cape Lookout Road, Cloverdale (Scout and adult Medical Forms including the Part C exam must be current within one year for long term camps more than 72 hours in length.)

Wednesday, August 7, 2024
No Troop Meeting during Camp Meriwether

Friday, August 30, 2024
Scout Night at the EM's

This Week at Troop 100

Posted on Jul 17 2024 - 3:08pm

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

6:00 p.m. Review individual Scout Advancement Reports from Camp Baker. Quartermaster and fold up tents dried in the garage from the fishing trip.

7:00 p.m. Troop Meeting - This week we begin planning and preparation for the backpacking trip scheduled for July 26-28 and complete planning merit badge programs for Camp Meriwether, so class spots can be reserved in the computer program to avoid disappointment at camp. (There are 43 merit badge offerings at Camp Meriwether, plus program offerings from which to select.) Parents of the Meriwether Camp Scouts are encouraged to attend or drop by the troop meeting as adult camp signups and attendance/transportation must be confirmed. Its a very full camp, so we will need to confirm a spot asap for anyone requesting to add late.

Camp Meriwether document collection (submit to RN Suzanne Rodiquez) if not previously turned in: Scout and adult leader BSA Medical Form Parts A,B,C; attach copy of both sides of your insurance card, and the Special Diet Request Form, if applicable.

THE TRAIL AHEAD - A Selected Look

Friday-Sunday, July 26-28, 2024
Proposed Troop Backpacking Hike

Friday-Sunday, July 26-28, 2024
Order of the Arrow Induction, Camp Malakwa. Registration required at otcbsa.org not later than July 21st.

Sunday-Saturday, August 4-10, 2024
Camp Meriwether Summer Camp - Cape Lookout Area. (Scout and adult Medical Forms including the Part C exam must be current within one year for long term camps more than 72 hours in length.)

This Week at Troop 100

Posted on Jul 8 2024 - 2:11am

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

No Troop meeting during Camp Baker

THE TRAIL AHEAD - A Selected Look

Friday-Sunday, July 26-28, 2024
Troop Backpacking Hike

Sunday-Saturday, August 4-10, 2024
Camp Meriwether Summer Camp - Cape Lookout Area. (Scout and adult Medical Forms including the Part C exam must be current within one year for long term camps more than 72 hours in length.)

This Week at Troop 100

Posted on Jul 3 2024 - 2:55pm

Wednesday, July 3, 2024, Wesley Church (Out at the East Lawn)

6:30 p.m. Early Independence Day Picnic and Troop Meeting.

Troop changes this week to activity shirts (troop, summer camp, or scout t-shirts) until the Wednesday after Labor Day. Uniforms must be worn to summer camp for campfires, flags, chapel, and Boards of Review.

Old Fashioned Picnic Dinner - Troop hosted Hot Dogs, Potato Salad or chips, Watermelon, Ice Cream Bars with Field and Independence Day Games.

Final Turn-in of Camp Baker Paperwork: Medicals (A,B,C, with Insurance Card copies), Any Special Diet Request Forms, Merit Badge Schedules, Camp Baker Shooting Sports Permission Forms (required for range archery and shooting this year).

Camp Baker Handout Forms available for Scouts and families: The Leader's Guides are online at otcbsa.org and each Scout is receiving the sheets with information for parents, things to bring to camp (and not bring), daily camp schedule, the adventure trail, Baker Anthem Segments, honor troop, and special evening and out bound programs.

Review last week's detailed email for final departure instructions for Sunday, July 7th.

Trailer Load for Camp Baker

Sunday, July 7 -13, 2024 - Camp Alton F. Baker Summer Camp

(No Troop Meeting on Wednesday, July 10th at Wesley Church during Summer Camp.)

Meet at the Buena Vista School Parking Lot at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday, July 7th - due to Services at Wesley Church - for a 10:00 a.m. departure for Camp Baker or when all the paperwork is ready to go, whichever comes first. Final turn in of the forms mentioned above that were due at the July 3rd Wednesday evening's meeting.

Scouts should pack guided by the List of Things to Bring; wear the uniform, neckerchief, and slide to camp; bring their Scout Handbook, sack lunch, bathing suit and towel for the Sunday swim test, and trading post spending money.

Parents please provide all medications at departure (prescription and non-prescription) in a zip lock bag in their original labeled containers per Oregon State Health standards to the troop medical officer on departure. Label nonprescription medication with name and dosage. Medications are kept by the troop at camp, except emergency medications (epi-pens, rescue inhalers, emergency insulin, nitro, and other immediate use emergency medication) are kept with the owner. Owners are responsible to take their emergency use medication with them on hikes and out bound activities.

Directions: Highway 126W to Florence, south on Highway 101 to Dunes City, left on Boy Scout Road to Camp Baker, for an on time opening of the locked camp gate at 12 noon at Camp Baker. (Lunch stop at the lawn and boardwalk at the Florence Port of Siuslaw.) The troop has been assigned the Jason Lee Campsite. Final Departure on Saturday, July 13th is scheduled for 9:30 a.m. by the camp.

This Week at Troop 100

Posted on Jun 26 2024 - 2:15am

Wednesday, June 26, 2024, Wesley Church

6:00 p.m. PLC Meeting for Camp Baker - troop and patrol organization.

7:00 p.m. Troop Meeting. This week we complete preparation for Camp Baker (July 7-13) as Scouts complete planning their merit badge programs for Camp Baker and consider the merit badge schedule for Camp Meriwether. The Leader's Guides are online and each Scout is receiving the sheets with information for parents, things to bring to camp (and not bring), daily camp schedule, the adventure trail, Baker Anthem Segments, honor troop, and special evening and out bound programs. Parents of the Summer Camp Scouts are encouraged to attend or drop by the troop meeting as adult camp signups and attendance/transportation must be confirmed.

Camp Baker document collection (submit to RN Suzanne Rodiquez) if not previously turned in: Scout and adult leader BSA Medical Form Parts A,B,C; attach copy of both sides of your insurance card, and the Special Diet Request Form, if applicable. (Advance form copies available at otcbsa.org, camping, Camp Baker.)

  • Adults camping overnight for one or more nights on Scout camping trips must complete YPT Training at My.Scouting.org, then fill out and submit the adult registration form with the YPT certificate to the troop or Scout Service Center. The troop will pay your fee from our registration account. The background check will then be processed to complete your registration. (Please submit to attend Camp Baker not later than the troop meeting on June 26th to allow time for background checks to be completed.)
  • Adults must also have the BSA Medical Form A,B,C if staying in camp during the week more than a total of 72 hours; if an adult is staying less than 72 hours, BSA Form A,B will suffice, but you will not receive a buddy tag for the Waterfront. (All Scouts must have BSA Medical Form A,B,C to attend camp.)

Sunday, July 7, 2024 - Departure for Camp Alton F. Baker

Meet at the Buena Vista School Parking Lot at 9:30 a.m. - due to Services at Wesley Church - for a 10:00 a.m. departure for Camp Baker or when all the paperwork is ready to go, whichever comes first. Final turn in of the forms mentioned above that were due at the July 3rd Wednesday evening's meeting.

  • The troop suggests the average Scout bring about $40 in spending money for snacks plus the cost of merit badge supplies and kits, the cost of which will vary, at the trading post. (The camp says the average Scout spends $60 - $75 at the trading post. If a Scout runs short on spending money, the troop will cover merit badge supplies or kits from their Scout Activity Allowance.) Camp Baker will provide a camp patch and the troop will provide the Adventure Trail bead neckless for all our Scouts. We suggest Scouts wear troop t-shirts, although they can purchase camp t-shirts at the Trading Post. We suggest Scouts bring their ordinary pocketknife from home rather than buy another at camp. The troop will bring a merit badge book library, so they do not need to be purchased at the trading post. Blue Merit Badge Cards are not used at Camp Baker, so the troop will receive an electronic advancement and merit badge report after return from camp for each Scout. Scouts need to make sure they are on the list at each merit badge class and that their attendance is being recorded.
  • Highway 126W to Florence, south on Highway 101 to Dunes City, left on Boy Scout Road to Camp Baker, for an on time opening of the locked camp gate at 12 noon at Camp Baker. Pack per the list provided at troop meetings and available at www.otcbsa.org, camping, Camp Baker. Wear your Scout uniform and Scout slacks with troop neckerchiefs for departure and all Scouts not yet First Class Rank and Scouts expecting to complete Star or Life Ranks at camp must bring their Scout Handbooks to camp. (Uniforms will be needed in camp for breakfast/dinner meal flag ceremonies, Camp Baker campfires and chapel as well as any Boards of Review and as part of Honor Troop status.)
  • Bring sack lunches to eat on the way (at an agreed upon stop) or after arrival as the first dining hall meal in camp will not be until Sunday evening. Bring accessible bathing suits and towels for the swim test. Even if the Scout is not yet ready to complete the First Class Swimmer test, the troop encourages taking the swim test as it includes some Second and First Class Scout requirements as explained at Troop Meetings. A Scout who does not pass the swimmer test this year, may still pass the beginner test which meets a Second Class Requirement and allows a buddy tag to use the beginner area at the waterfront and practice his swimming ability in the lake. A Scout who has not passed the Swimmer test may still go out in a row boat with an adult swimmer, but no other watercraft such as canoes, kayaks, paddle boards.
  • Provide all medications at departure (prescription and non-prescription) in a zip lock bag in their original labeled containers per Oregon State Health standards to the troop medical officer on departure. Label nonprescription medication with name and dosage. Medications are kept by the troop at camp, except emergency medications (epi-pens, rescue inhalers, emergency insulin, nitro, and other immediate use emergency medication) are kept with the owner. Owners are responsible to take their emergency use medication with them on hikes and out bound activities.

THE TRAIL AHEAD - A Selected Look

Wednesday, July 3, 2024, Wesley Church
Independence Day Troop Meeting, any final camp documents collected, and trailer load for Camp Baker.

Sunday-Saturday, July 7-13, 2024
Camp Baker Summer Camp on Siltcoos Lake. (Scout and adult Medical Forms including the Part C exam must be current within one year for long term camps more than 72 hours in length.)

Wednesday, July 10, 2024
No Troop meeting during Camp Baker

Friday-Sunday, July 26-28, 2024
Troop Backpacking Hike

Sunday-Saturday, August 4-10, 2024
Camp Meriwether Summer Camp - Cape Lookout Area. (Scout and adult Medical Forms including the Part C exam must be current within one year for long term camps more than 72 hours in length.)

This Week at Troop 100

Posted on Jun 18 2024 - 9:24pm

Wednesday, June 19, 2024, Wesley Church

6:00 p.m. Advancement Hour - Advancement and Service Project Reviews.

7:00 p.m. Troop Meeting - Departure Meeting for the Deep Sea Fishing trip this weekend, details below. Expect to practice and be tested on fishing knots for the Fishing Merit Badge.

We will have bird feeder kits to construct and take home to complete option 5.b. for the Fish and Wildlife Management Merit Badge:

5. Do ONE of the following:
b. Construct, erect, and check regularly bird feeders and keep written records of the kinds of birds visiting the feeders.

Lists will also be available to complete requirement 6.a.:

6. Do ONE of the following:
a. Observe and record 25 species of wildlife. Your list may include mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish. Write down when and where each animal was seen.

We will also have side meetings with individual Scouts for summer camp merit badge schedules. Reminders are being sent to the parents of Scouts signed up for Camps Baker or Meriwether whose medical forms are missing or are or will be more than a year old and out of date at the time of camp. Any Special diet request forms for Camp Baker are due.

June 18-25, 2024, Florida BSA Sea Base Trip

Sea Base is a unique Scouting program that offers aquatics programs found nowhere else. Whether your interests lie in sailing, scuba diving, rustic camping on an undeveloped barrier island, fishing or a combination of all, this is the place for your Troop, Crew, Sea Ship or Explorer Post. Sea Base serves around 16,000 participants annually.

Friday-Sunday, June 21-23, 2024 - Depoe Bay Deep Sea Fishing

(Option for Scouts not at Seabasee). Please signup in advance so that the correct size or number of spots for the charter boat can be RESERVED in advance.

  • Departure on Friday, June 21st from Wesley Church at time TBA at the troop meeting Wednesday. Camping at the Carmichael Beach property south of Waldport at 7044 SW Pacific Coast Highway, Waldport, OR 97394. Deep Sea Fishing on Saturday, June 22nd with Dockside Charters, 270 Coast Guard Drive, Depoe Bay, OR 97341.
  • Expected catch includes rock fish, ling cod and dungeness crab. Extra will be vacuum packed to go home. Expect to see wildlife, finish the Fishing Merit Badge, and enjoy a campfire on the beach.
  • Prediction at Waldport/Depoe Bay for Saturday is partly sunny with a high in the 60 range and a low in the 50 range.
  • We hope for calm seas, but be prepared with your own motion sickness remedy, in case of a choppy ocean.
  • Bring your contribution for the meals (amount to be emailed after shopping), your scout handbook to record completed requirements on this trip, a pen, your fishing license (and shellfish permit, if you'd like), a rain jacket, warm clothes, a Coast Guard approved life jacket if you have one, a sack dinner, or money for dinner on the road Friday night and overnight camping gear.

You will not need any fishing poles, lures, bait or crabbing gear, as they will be provided by Dockside Charters.

THE TRAIL AHEAD - A Selected Look

Sunday-Saturday, July 7-13, 2024
Camp Baker Summer Camp on Siltcoos Lake. (Scout and adult Medical Forms including the Part C exam must be current within one year for long term camps more than 72 hours in length.)

Friday-Sunday, July 26-28, 2024
Troop Backpacking Hike

Sunday-Saturday, August 4-10, 2024
Camp Meriwether Summer Camp - Cape Lookout Area. (Scout and adult Medical Forms including the Part C exam must be current within one year for long term camps more than 72 hours in length.)

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